With pregnancy and childbirth, my lap belt has suffered a lot and you have to be very careful about how you use it. To strengthen and resume gently, it is essential to make hypopressive abdominals after obtaining the medical green light. But hypopressive abs are not meant for pregnant women far absent. So I decided to make an article to make you aware of the interest of hypopressive abdominals.
Abdominal hypopressive what is it?
These are exercises to work the abdominals in depth. To protect the perineum in specific. One voluntarily contracts abs by exhaling from bottom to top. A bit like trying to tuck your stomach in and push the diaphragm and the abdominals up. The normal exercises like crunch for example have a tendency to push down. But it is specificly risky for pregnant women, specificly after giving birth because of the risk of organ descent. Frolicing with the breath also works the muscles in depth.
The benefits of hypopressive abdominals
The first advantage is therefore the health side. With these exercises, you can start strengthening your abs after delivery. But be careful, after getting the medical green light of course! Abdominal hypopressives are also known to less stress the lower back and therefore protect your painful lumbar! Another benefit for all, these are exercises that will strengthen the deep muscles and thus help you in your quest for flat stomach. Each of us, male and female, should therefore regularly introduce in his routine of abs! Same leang perineum side. By strengthening it, we limit the risk of incontinence.
Examples of hypopressive abdominal exercises
The vacuum: CIs the best known and the most common. Lying on your back, feet flat on the ground, you take a deep breath while tucking your stomach, pushing your navel. We then keep the tummy returned a few moments before releasing during the expiration.
Shealeang: The board or the lateral sheath are also very interesting exercises to strengthen the deep abdominals.
Standing Breath: Feet aligned at the hips, knees slightly bent, position his hands at the hips without touching them. Reach in the chin, lowering your head. While keeping this position, contract the abdominals and bring out the odds several times, without brealeang!
When to do hypopressive abdominals
The ideal is to regularly do hypopressive abdominals to strengthen the abdominal strap. Do not hesitate to do each week in addition to your conferenceal abdominal session. In postpartum, ie during rehabilitation, you can practice hypopressive abdominals every day. But beware, you must first let your body heal from childbirth and wait for the green light from your doctor! Personally, I got the green light after two good weeks but it can sometimes take longer for your doctor to allow you.
I hope this small article will make you want to test the hypopressive abs, whether you have just given birth or not! If these abdominals do not give you chocolate bars obvious, they will have many benefits of prevention health, even more whether you just give birth!
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