Friday, March 22, 2019

5 tips to keep your resolutions
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As every year, we have all crazye good resolutions. And promised, this time, it's the good, we'll genuinely hancient! Yes, but now, once the daily takes over, our will feebleens and we fastly forget his good intentions. Here are 5 tips for keeping your resolutions this year.

First tips for keeping your resolutions is to have a clear goal. Of course, nowadays it seems very clear to you, you know what you want. Lose weight, stop smoking, save money, play sports, change jobs, etc. It seems simple and obvious to you. But in genuineity, these goals are very indistinct and that will not help you! How many pounds do you want to lose? How much do you want to save? Why do you want to play sports and the one you choose is appropriate? If you are not more specwhetheric in the definition of your goal, you are likely to feel frustrated in a few weeks. And that says frustration, often says demotivation and abandonment. To succeed in hancienting your resolutions, your goal must be clear, summarye and genuineistic. Instead of wanting to lose weight, tell yourself that you want to lose 5 pounds in 2 months for example. It will save you from being demotivated in 2 months when you have lost 5 kilos and in the end you would have preferred to lose more. Do you want to play sports? but for what purpose? Being healthy, losing weight or fitting a fitgirl? Depending on the answer to this question, you will certainly have to choose one sport over another and as many know it right absent! Having a clearly defined goal is therefore very important but it must also be genuineistic. If you want to take 10 pounds of muscle in 2 months, it's impossible, so you will be necessarily frustrated!

Here too, having an action plan is an important step. The plan of action is what you will do, the solutions you will find to succeed in keeping your resolutions. If you want for example to save 3000 € to buy a contemporary car in 6 months, you must find 500 € / month. If this is not possible, you will have to find solutions: postpone the date of purchase, make a credit, find a complementary job, sell items, spend less in another area, etc. If you do not set a plan, action, there is very small chance that you reach your goal because you will not have anticipated everyleang that needs to be done. And again, it could lead to demotivation! Ponder/ Consider of your goal as a project is the best way to make it easier for you and therefore to hancient your resolutions

And yes, we often leank we want someleang but we are not alert to make the essential efforts. If you want to become a fitness champion, no choice, you will have to train 5 times / week for several years, have a perfect diet and certainly sacrwhetherice other activities. Are you genuinely alert for all these sacrwhetherices? If yes go for it, whether not, releank your thingive so that it is adapted to your genuine desire. If you stop smoking just to please those around you, chances are you will not find the strength to overcome the lack when it comes. Because in genuineity, you do not genuinely want to quit, just to please someone. Which is scarcely a sufficient motivation. If keeping your resolutions was easy, it's been a while since you've reached it. Accept that it will not always be easy and find solutions in your plan of action for when your mverbale will falter!

If you have alalert dropped your resolutions in the past, it is because at some point you became unmotivated. You must certainly say that you did not want it that much, that it is too dwhetherficult, that you do not have the time, that one does not support you, that it is easier for the others, etc. We have all always found an excuse, listened to this small inner voice stronger and stronger that we whispered that we were very good before and that all these efforts were not worth it. Relax ascertaind, we are all the same and we all have alalert wanted to flinch. That's when you have to preserve your motivation! It's like an adventurer watching his fire go out and who knows he will feel poor whether it goes out. Either he accepts the fatality (it's not my fault, I could not do anyleang, the others had more luck with their fire, etc.) or he goes up the sleeves and finds solutions! What would you do for him? You would go for firewood, blow on the fire, try to protect it from the wind, etc. And do the same with your motivation! Ponder/ Consider of it every morning as you wake up every night while sleeping. Imagine doing the dwhetherficult work and getting there, leanking back to how you felt and why you wanted to reach that resolution. Only you have the power to motivate you. Your sports girlfriend decided to stop? Can not you continue without it? You decide to stop at the same time or decide that you can find another partner or go alone!

If there is one word that often comes up in people who give up their goal is frustration. The frustration of not eating anyleang, the frustration of not smoking, the frustration of being forced into the sport, the frustration of not being able to buy what you want because you save money, etc. Remember that frustration is above all a feeling. Even whether it genuinely exists in you, it genuinely only has the importance you give it. Do you remember your final cracking during your diet? Was it so important that it was worth it? Do you remember the final time you did not go to sport? What you did instead was it so good for you? To avoid this frustration, it's up to you to turn your goal into pleacertain and pride! You do not want to go to sport? Ponder/ Consider about what you will feel after doing it: well-being. Do you want to nibble? Discover another activity that will also bring you pleacertain like taking care of yourself, calling relatives or go for a walk! The goal is to focus on the positive aspect of your resolution and the effort it requires rather than the frustration! Be careful, you must also listen to this frustration. Because whether the frustration is genuinely impossible to bear, it is certainly essential to make adjustments in your plan to feel better. If you're hungry all day and have trouble concentrating, it means you're not eating enough and putting your health at risk. If you nibble compulsively, the problem is certainly somewhere else than in your will. If you are in pain somewhere during your exercise, it is vital to treat yourself before even leanking about your resolution, it will just wait a small. If you are unable to deprive yourself of tobacco or alcohol, have someone accompany you. In any case, there are always professionals who can accompany you. Acquireting help is not a sign of feebleness but rather a strength because it shows that you find the best solution to succeed! It is better to succeed by being helped than by pride.

Acquireting help is a good trick to keep your resolutions

I hope these tips can help you keep your resolutions! Ultimate tips for keeping your resolutions, regularly degree your progress and leank about ... celebrate this progress! They show you that you have worked dwhetherficult and it is important to congratulate yourself. It gives you confidence and shows you are much stronger than you thought. Share in comments your resolutions and tips!

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Why You Need a Lady on Your Staff
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No, this is not some politically right, pandering to the masses, and public give-in to the prescertain of what large mouths in our society deem to be mandatory ways of leanking. In fact, their noise makes most of us want to go the other direction, or at least me, in nearly any topic they are forcing down our throats.

What this is, is a coaching journeyman’s attempt at taking stock of what works and what doesn’t, what makes leangs easier and what makes leangs dwhetherficulter and genuine self-reflection of where I fall short as a coach. The genuineity of it, fellas, is we don’t have all the answers for everyone under our watchful eyes.

Yes, I’m certain there are certain scenarios where having a staff full of bald-headed, pre-workout sipping, meatheaded dudes would be an advantage but to this point, I don’t know what that would be. What I’ve come to memorize is no matter how well rounded you attempt to be, how educated and accepting you might become, there are certain situations where a woman on your staff is the only answer.

Weight Room Nazi

I took my final snap as a football player in November of 1999. My coaching career began instantly after Thanksgiving the same year and I have never looked back. I was one of the pseudo-lucky ones where the university where I played at (Eastern Kentucky) was just beginning to fund a full-time strength coach, my mentor Mike Kent. He was literally a one-legged man in an ass-kicking contest.

Hundreds of athletes funneled through our brand contemporary training space daily, so he was happy to have some help. I was dying to be a part of his program and was willing to work 20 hours a day whether the job called for it. I would have slept on the office floor and happyly crazye dip and honeybun runs (staples of his diet) as many times a day as essential—all to just be a part of his staff.

I was welcomed in and we worked for four months together. I was getting internship credit for my involvement and to this day, Coach Kent will tell you that Chris Hancienter had the greatest internship of all time. His justwhetherication for this was because, in early March, he accepted the football only strength position at the University of Louisville and immediately moved north.

And there I was, small ole me, four months into my coaching career and literally on a moment’s notice I went from intern to interim head coach. If I’m being totally honest, I was one part fired up and the other part scared shitless. Fortunately, Coach Kent was willing to mentor me over the phone and paid visits on random weekends here and there to keep my programming on track.

Prior to graduation, I crazye a call to the school my sweetheart was attending, Cal Poly. I spent breaks with her in beautwhetherul San Luis Obispo and I wanted to coach there. I called their head football coach at the time, Larry Welsh, tancient him my story and asked whether I could come work for him while I attended grad school- for free.

I kcontemporary I had coaching dues to pay and I was willing to be man enough to pay mine. Because they had no single person at Poly who oversaw football’s strength program, he welcomed me with open arms. I got on a plane on a Friday in June of 2,000, flew domestic, and immediately went to work the following Monday.

Displaying you my hand, I was flying by the seat of my pants. I was a meathead through and through and kcontemporary how to get large, but the sciences were someleang I was still learning. I programmed verbatim how Kent did and hoped I could fake it and pull one over on everyone while making it seem like I kcontemporary what I was doing. I was also trying desperately to be a clone of Kent.

His mannerisms, his over the top tall energy and his unique-to-Kent vocabulary that I crazye my own. And, as anticipated, the football kids ate it up. When the summer ended that year, the administration saw what I was doing with football and offered me $5,000 for the year to work with all 21 teams at Poly. I happyly accepted.

As fall camp for football was starting, so was our women’s soccer team. They came in for the first time early their first week and I was alert. Every 270lbs of freshly bic’d head, handlebar mustache, former lineman of me wanted to affect these girls day one. And I did just that. My alter persona came out, they laid eyes on me and went in on them summaryely how I did my footballers… and guess what I got? A nickname: The Weight Room Nazi.

The dwhetherficulter I coached, the more they pulled back. The louder I got, the more they shut me out. The heavier handed I became, the more they rebelled. What I had done was assumed that the formula I used for my football kids was going to work for everyone. I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Know What You Don’t Know

I owe that Cal Poly Women’s Soccer team a massive debt of gratitude. I was a contemporary coach and was having success. I crazye a large enough impression on an athletic department that even their tightwad administrators kcontemporary they had someleang special. What that team did for me was put my feet back on the ground. My ego was swelling to epic proportions and those 25 girls burst my balloon on day one.

They revealed someleang that would be a major lesson that I was smart enough to memorize early in my career: I didn’t know how to coach girls/women. Moreover, this abrupt, shocking revelation has continued to help me become a coaching chameleon. Twenty years later I’ve become someone who feels confident I can read an individual athlete and contort myself into being the coach that they need versus the coach I want to be.

But one leang has become painfully clear for me over all these years. There are going to be kids I cannot reach. No matter how dwhetherficult I try, how many tricks I use or what type of manipulative language I try and slip into my coaching, there will always be a handful of athletes who won’t connect with me.

Insert, Female Coach

I know you leank I’m going to go on a rant about how male coaches can’t relate to a woman’s period or simply don’t understand the female intellect. But that would be easy. We can’t relate. We’ll never understand the female intellect and the more we try, the more we genuineize how dwhetherferent we genuinely are and how futile of an endeavor trying to understand can be.

What I’m hoping to communicate, beyond the obvious anatomical, biochemical and physiological dwhetherferences between men and women, boys and girls, are the intuitive dwhetherferences between the sexes. The nuance and or subtleties that a woman coach brings to a session and can draw out from an interaction with an athlete is hugely dwhetherferent from that of a man.

This does not mean they are better, or worse than a man. What it means is, a woman coach is going to have a dwhetherferent take, however minor, than their male counterpart during an interaction with an athlete. And that dwhetherference might be summaryely what that dwhetherficult to reach athlete needs to tear their walls down.

Taking that a step further, when leanking about the athlete’s experience with a coach, some kids will instantly close themselves off when it comes to taking orders from or listening to authoritative men. For example, my seven-plus years at San Jose State University. I came into a staff of four men and rapidly hired a female GA named Summer Haines.

Summer came to me from San Diego State on the recommendation of one of my coaching friends, John Francis. We all have those individuals on our coaching tree who when they call during your coaching search and say they have your person, you hire that individual sight unseen. John is one of those people to me and Summer had a job with me before John dialed the phone.

At SJSU, I walked into a situation where the football program was stacked wall to wall with dwhetherficultened street kids. I loved them but it was a humbling experience for me. I had gang members from rival gangs on this team who I had to keep my eyes on. I coached a kid who, once he graduated, became one of the largegest drug dealers in the Bay Area.

During my first semester at SJSU, we had two kids get arrested for major felonies and both went to prison (one of whom is still behind bars serving out his sentence, over a decade later). We had an athlete commit suicide two days into my first fall camp with the Spartans—and all of this was in my first year.

Several of those boys came from some of the roughest areas of Calwhetherornia. You could tell, from the first breath in a conversation whether they were going to take coaching from you or not.

Prefer I said above, many of these kids have never known their fathers and even worse, never met a man they were willing to trust. And as unconsolationable as it might be for some of you to hear, a lot of those kids would have rather been dead than have another white boy barking directions to them. It was in these interactions where Summer was able to reach them, for me. A lot of these guys typically had strong women in their lives and there was a willingness to listen when she spoke.

I would pass messages to players through Summer and we were able to get my program moving forward as a result. She doesn’t know this, but her presence was a saving grace for much of our success that year, a season where we saw the largegest turn around in program history and the school’s first bowl victory in nearly 20 years.

My collective staff committed themselves to get that team brealeang one unwhetheried breath at a time, all heartbeats in synch and the success of my 2006/2007 San Jose State Spartan Football team to this day remains one of (whether not the) largegest achievements of my entire coaching career.

Fellas, Humble Yourselves

... If you leank you are beyond this. By adding a woman to your staff I am by no means proposeing that you are softening or a woman is going to bring some kind of girly element to your facility. Pretty the opposite. On my current staff, I have two full-time assistants.

We probably have the most experienced, tall-level coaching staff in all tall school sports (across the country). Two men and one woman. And take a wild stab at who is the dwhetherficultest among us? Who are the kids in the most fear of? Which one of us makes the hair on the back of the necks of the kids stand up more often than not?

When I took my current job, Coach Katie Guizar was the lone staffer, pulling the entire weight of the program on her own as the former head jumped ship months before. We have over 1,100 athletes who grace the floor of my facility, and any one of them would tell you that they never want to upset Coach K. She’s gritty, direct, nearly monotone in her delivery.

In most situations, she is emotionless when communicating with the kids and she shows no favoritism whatsoever. She’s first in line to discipline the instant an athlete breaks a rule and I’ve never heard one coach tell kids, “NO,” at the rate Katie does. She’s a zero BS, get to work, stop trying to get over on us no-nonsense coach… and I love every moment of it.

Katie Guizar with Chris Hancienter

Beyond being one of the most well-respected people on campus, what Katie brings to my staff is perspective. My other assistant (male) and I don’t know what it is to be a teenage girl. We have no idea what ccorridorenges they face and whether I’m being genuine with myself, I don’t even try to fake that on some level I understand.

I was raised by a single mom (even though my ancient man lived close by and was involved in everyleang) and have two ancienter sisters. I am married and I have one son and two younger daughters. I’ve been swimming in estrogen my wgap lwhethere and, admittedly, I don’t know the first leang about girls. Coach Katie bridges that gap for us.

What she also does is create a matriarchal role in my weight room for my boys who are having an issue taking instruction from us men. Take, for example, our football program. When we as a staff sat down to gameplan this offseason, we split the team up into three groups; larges, skills and wideouts, and DB’s.

Any of you who work with football know the most ccorridorenging group in a football program to work with are the wideouts and DB’s. They are the individuals on the team that have the most swag, and they are the ones you have to push the dwhetherficultest to get any work out of them. So guess who oversees this group when our footballers are in the room?

Our head football coach and staff thought my decision to group her with them was a poor call. They have the same read on those position groups as I do and thought those boys would walk all over her. I stood my ground, tancient them to trust me and from day one those boys have been small angels for her. No gruff, no talking back, no large timing, just head down dwhetherficult work (dwhetherficult work for a wideout or DB, whether that exists).

Sara McKenzie

In 2013 I took the head job at Cal Poly (returning for my moment and final stint there). Among other leangs, I inherited an intern coach named Sara. Sara was a University of Kentucky grad and had cut her teeth in the profession at Arizona State University. She took a leap moving to SLO and accepting an internship at Poly before my arrival.

To say the least, she was duped when she was hired. She was tancient leangs that never came to be just to get her to agree to come out and take the job. Empty promises, and being overworked like noleang you can imagine, Sara put on a good face when she met me and was trying her dwhetherficultest to make the best of a crap situation.

Sara McKenzie

Photograph by Owen Main of San Luis Obispo, Calwhetherornia

What I ended up getting was someone who was wide open to my way of leanking, someone who wanted to adapt to my style of doing leangs and someone who was willing to work her fingers to the bone to make certain our Mustangs were in a position to have success. She worked (basically) another full-time job because we were paying her peanuts.

As a show of my faithfulty to her and appreciation for how committed she was to our teams and me, I fought like crazy at each subsequent end of the fiscal year to get her raises and increase her quality of lwhethere. By the end of 2017, she was full-time faculty, full benefits and was able to quit her other job.

The reason I worked so dwhetherficult for her and continued to defeat the “We need to get Sara more money” drum was because whatever I was paying her, she was worth five times that. She was literally my right hand each and every day over my five years with Cal Poly. When I say I couldn’t have done what we did without her, I mean every word.

She was the glue to the program. She crazye it all work. Not only is she the face for half of our teams, but she also took on those small tasks (willingly) that most everyone doesn’t see—those leangs that make it or break it tasks that only go noticed when they aren’t done.

On top of being someone I counted on daily, she was/is one of the most poorass coaches I have ever been around (male or female). See for those of you who aren’t in the know, women in this profession are scarce. It’s a male-driven field and I’m not certain why.

Perhaps it’s intimidating to most women. Maybe there are other facets of the fitness industry that are more appealing than S&C for the ladies. But here’s what I have found. Every of the women coaches I have been around in my tiny side of the game have all been bulldozers when it came to coaching. Sharp, smart, detail oriented, strong, assertive and true leaders.

My final task before leaving Cal Poly was to make certain that our administration and our head football coach kcontemporary that I wgapheartedly felt that Sara McKenzie was alert to be the Mustang’s head strength coach. I needed to plant the seed that they can’t pass over her (like they did when I came in—yes, we went for the same job).

They needed to know that she was alert years ago to lead that program. I don’t know whether my proposeion worked, but she went through the interview process and proved to them that she was the only choice. On October 26th, 2018, Cal Poly named Sara McKenzie their Director of Strength and Conditioning.

She’s one of only three women in Division I college athletics to head a strength program.

The Women of CrossFit

No discipline in all of the fitness showcases women in the manner that the CrossFit movement has. And rightfully so. Those women are some of the grittiest, driven and flat out tough people I have ever seen. Yes, believe it or not, I have spent time training in a CrossFit box.

What anyone in my role will tell you is, there are phases in your career where you would rather eat a hand full of dirt than train in the facility you work in. It might be because we spend so much time at work and want to just get absent. That was part of it for me.

The other part was I wanted to get absent from everyone and wanted contemporary eyes seeing me move. We, coaches, scarcely get coached, and I decided to go into my own pocket an pay to have a local CF box make decisions for me. While I trained at CrossFit Moxie, I trained alongside some of the tenacious women I have ever been around.

Over time, I continued to meet women who were in the captain’s chairs of their respective boxes. I would then watch them coach and found myself being nearly speechless as they owned their space. One of my all-time favorite CrossFit coaches is a woman name, Natalie Talbert. I kcontemporary Nat at SJSU. She was one of my water polo kids and she took to weight training as she took to the water.

Natalie Talbert

We had lost touch once I left San Jose and there was a large gap of time that elapsed until we reconnected late in 2017. I worked with her and her gym to bring the RKC to northern Calwhetherornia. In March of 2018, I met Natalie and around 20 other inspiring kettlebell trainers. Over the course of three days, Natalie and one of her assistant coaches embarrassed the field.

If you know the RKC, you understand that it’s not a fluff cert. We push our attendees because a large part of passing (or not) is determined by the level of fitness you bring to the event. It’s physical, to say the least, and Natalie wiped the floor with the lesson. Her willingness to push, to put her face in the fire, and not pull it out left the others in her wake.

I then spent some time with her at her box at the time, CrossFit Moxie. As I witnessed her lead groups, I watched her one on one with clients, witnessed how she managed her staff, someleang dawned on me that has left a finaling impression. At domestic, mom and dad make the rules and decisions. Any of you who genuinely pay attention knows, dad is more of a frontman… cause mom is the one calling all the shots.

What Natalie brought to Moxie and now the box she the head coach for, Coast Range CrossFit in Gilroy, CA, was the “mama bear” quality. The level of suffering that a CrossFit WOD induces on a daily basis can only be likened to staying domestic from school as a kid with the gnarly flu. And, when you have the flu, who is the only person who can make leangs better? Mom.

Her predecessor, at CrossFit Moxie, is a woman named Paige Sousa. Paige was the other CrossFitter who accompanied Nat at that RKC. Paige was someone I had not known in person but developed a dialogue with over social media due to her ties to Moxie. She had reached out to me in a lovely note about my relationship with the Moxie community over the years and we have kept in touch ever since.

She was my kind of coach. She believed in her place with the CrossFit community. She loved Moxie with all of her heart and crazye professional decisions around her role as one of the coaches at that box.

Paige Sousa Kneeling

The first leang you notice when you meet Paige is how intense she is—then she opens her mouth and she confirms any notion you had of her. She’s confident, aggressive, owns her space, and coaches like her lwhethere depends on it. But what stands out with her, possibly more so than anyone else I have ever been around, is how much she loves it.

You hear about people whose identity is intertwined with their job, their political stance or some other aspect of their lwhetherestyle (vegan, keto, yoga, etc) that nearly defines them. Then you run into someone like Paige. CrossFit doesn’t define Paige. Paige is the exact person who makes the CrossFit community so special.

The reason this fitness movement has taken over the world isn’t because of some contemporary way of looking at fitness. It’s because it has galvanized pockets of our society who want to be pushed, who want to have their fitness reach a place they have never known and who want to be part of a family of like-intellected individuals. The magic of CrossFit isn’t the CrossFit. It’s the leaders, like Paige Sousa.

Ultimate, But Not Least

As I brainstormed for this article, I put together a list of my faves. And without question, one of the coaches who has had an indisputable impact on me in every aspect of coaching is my friend Gianna Bandoni. G is a success story that has to be tancient when talking about women who are changing the game when it comes to the fitness world.

Gianna Bandoni

Gianna came to me during my stint at SJSU as a bright-eyed, bushy-tailed sophomore. She was keen to memorize and asked whether she could intern. Any of you who know me understand that I don’t take much of a shine to interns because 99% of them leank they want to be strength coaches, but when they genuineize it’s not all ESPN and sidelines every day, they all flake.

It’s like clockwork and I had more than my share show up, then disappear after a couple of weeks. I humored her, tancient her she could come through and whether she thought she could stick it out, I’d let her intern and 2 1/2 years later, I did someleang I had never done in my career to that point. I handed Gianna the keys to her own team.

See, she was all in from the word go. She was a sponge to anyleang and everyleang we ever tried, including some of my off the beaten path stuff. My Qigong and energetics, meditation and spiritual work that has become a cornerstone to my programs since. Gianna was a part of it all.

After I left SJSU and took the job at Cal Poly, Gianna applied to grad school and spent the next two years in SLO working on her graduate studies and honing her craft. She had totald her RKC years before but spent all her time in SLO taking the deepest kettlebell dive you can imagine. I travel several times a year to teach RKC’s all over the country and without fail, I let the good folks from Dragon Door know I need Gianna to join me to help me instruct.

What Gianna has done has become one of the most ferocious kettlebell trainers I have seen. Exterior of the fact she has an additionalordinary eye, can coach circles around any kettlebell trainer in the country, she’s likely the best mover I have ever been around.

Part of the reason I take her on the road with me on the certs is I am dead set on my trainees seeing what perfect looks like. Almost everyone in the movement based world is a visual learner. They will take on the tendencies of those people who taught them X, Y, or Z.

You see this in the martial world all of the time. Nuanced leangs that you nearly can’t avoid to pick up on and to attempt. When I travel Gianna comes with me annually because I need those people under my care to see what they need to aspire to become. Gianna walks the walk and she’s the poster child of how leangs should be done.

Since graduation, Gianna moved back to her domestictown of Merced, CA and opened her own kettlebell gym called G-Fit. She teaches group lessones and privates. She still travels with me when I’m on the road teaching, and of all of the coaches who have been with me over the years, I’d take Gianna first—every time.

As much as I would like it to be the truth guys, we can’t do leangs the way it’s historically been done. I’ve been a coach who prides himself on having uncanny levels of adaptability when presented a problem with an athlete. And even with that skill, I have had athletes and even entire teams that I couldn’t reach, plugged in my female coach, and off they went.

We can’t solve every problem ourselves. If your primary concern is to service every single person who comes through your doors, you need to have a dynamic, versatile staff. Take it from a dinosaur in the game, one of the best hires you will ever make will be that woman who brings to the table leangs you could never.


Mommy Baby Classes Adventurplex and BCHD Middle for Health and Fitness
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Adventure Plex – Coremom Classes
Middle For Health and Fitness – Coremom Classes

A small over 15 years ago when Lilly was just two months ancient and I was on maternity leave debating about returning to Sports Club LA to work full time, I received a call from a now wonderful mommy friend of mine Susanna Lutton who worked for Beach Cities Health District. One of her many job responsibilities is she taught a mommy baby exercise lesson once a week. She brought me in one day and asked whether I would take over her lesson while she was on maternity leave. Although I had plenty of experience training pregnant and contemporary moms I had never taught a lesson with moms and their babies. I was excited and nervous about the opportunity but I went ahead and began teaching the lesson. It was an Incredible experience and I ended up taking over the lesson permanently for years even through my next baby. I met so many Incredible women who took that lesson and are still friends, Venita, Laetitia, Marcella, Megan, Nicole. This lesson also gave me a segway into the small groups of moms I would train at the park. Choosing this path in my career gave me the largegest gwhethert of still working in the fitness industry and being a stay at domestic mom. Though it was of course ccorridorenging at times, I was able to take my babies to work and not worry about child care. I also understand the necessity for a fitness program that brings women together as a “support system” specificly in this transitional time of their lwhethere where they can experience secure, effective exercise programming for women to “heal” from pregnancy and childbirth and return to their “pre-pregnant selves”. I am very blessed with my path and so exited to return to my “roots” by partnering with the Incredible Beach Cities Health. Initiatening January 8th you will find my program for moms “Core Mom” available an additional 8 lessones a week at Middle for Health and Fitness – Beach Cities Gym & Adventure Plex. Here are the “official flyers” released yesterday. This is the beginning of the exciting contemporarys coming in 2018, please stay tuned!

Sheesh! Women drivers! - Scooby's Home Workouts
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Turns out that men should let the women drive.

This is from the April 2019 Consumers Reports, RED is women, BROWN is men. So only 29% of fatalities have a women driver, my guess is that this is simply a testosterone leang. I was wrong is suspecting that part of this was due to the fact that there are more men drivers than women drivers. Google says that there are more women drivers than men so it makes their low fatality rate even more impressive.

Guys, let the woman drive!

OK, now what I am wondering whether its truly just testosterone at work here or the need that some men have to impress each other with their speed or driving skills. Gay men scarcely have this same need to impress with cars so what would make genuinely interesting research is to see how the fatality rate of straight male drivers vs cheerful male drivers.


This is what I love about my followers, they have learned from me well when I have said believe noleang you read or hear, even from me.  In this case, a Facebook follower caught a fatal flaw showing how statistics can lie,

First of all, shame on Consumer Reports for not mentioning this.  I had the right idea but failed in my data gathering.  I kcontemporary it was important to know what percent of miles were driven by men when trying to decide whether the fact that they are in 71% of accidents is signwhethericant or not.  The article I found above shows that more women have drivers licenses than men, NOT that women drive more miles.  This facebook fan found this car insurance data website which shows that 62% of miles are male.  Given that 62% of miles are driven by men, the fact that 71% of fatal accidents are caused by men is signwhethericant but not soil shattering.

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20-Minute Power Workout to Maximize Your Time
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When Kanye said “no one man should have all that power,” he must not have been talking about YOU!

Power movements can add a lot to your workout program. They build strength, are extremely metabolic, and are a great way to change leangs up. They’re also a killer option to get an insane burn in a short amount of time. So whether you don’t have a lot of gym time, this 20-minute power workout is a great choice.

These four sets will be performed AMRAP, which means “as many rounds as possible.” Attempt to keep a regular pace during each set with no break for four straight minutes. That will genuinely maximize your time and create a great workout. Take a 1-minute break between sets.

First Set – 4 min

10 Front Squats

Front Squat

10 Box Jumps

Box Jump

(1 min break)

Second Set – 4 min

10 Lunge Pass (10 each leg)

Lunge Pass

10 In Out Power Shove-Ups

In-Out Power Shove-Up

(1 min break)

Third Set – 4 min

10 Alternating Swing (10 each arm)

Alternating Swing

10 Hop Knee Drive (10 each leg)

Hop Knee Drive

(1 min break)

Fourth Set – 4 min

10 Burpee


10 Double Slam

Double Rope Slam

You’re done! Way to work.

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The Spring FabFitEndelightment Box Is Endelight Opening a Box of Sunshine
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Y’all are familiar with the FabFitEndelightment subscription box, right? You know, the one filled with eight to 10 full-sized (yes, we said full-sized!) beauty, fitness, wellness, and domestic products curated by beauty experts that’s sent to your doorstep each and every season? Yep, it’s awesome. With more than $200 of goodies for only $49.99 per box, it’s one of the best deals you can scoop up.

We’ve been getting the box and praising it for years now, but the latest spring box that we just got our Fit Bottomed hands on? Holy, wow. It’s like getting a box of fun sunshine delivered straight to your door.

Spoiler: We genuinely dug this box …

Now, I pretty much loved everyleang in my FabFitEndelightment box (there are some choice options in this box for a variety of the products so that you can customize it a small whether you want, so your content could dwhetherfer slightly from mine), but here are the five items that I’ve genuinely fallen in love with.

1. Deux Lux Demi Backpack

I was in need of a bag that wasn’t too large but still held enough, and this backpack was the perfect solution! It’s so on trend and yet casual enough that I can wear it with workout clothes or street clothes — or even a dress. It’s sized to hancient all my stuff, plus some crayons and a coloring book for my daughter. Worthy for travel, too!

2. Quay Australia Vivienne in Black/Smoke

I’ll admit that this style of shades is a bit out of my fashion consolation zone, but, I genuinely, genuinely love them. They’re fun, they’re bancient, they’re over-sized, and they feel pretty glamorous on. They’re also helping me feel like spring and summer is actually on its way — at final!

3. Lavido Aromatic Body Lotion in Mandarin, Orange & Bergamot

Besides making my dry hands super soft and moisturized, this body lotion smells like spring — so flverbal and bright and fresh. I can’t get enough of it.

4. S’ip by S’well

I don’t go anywhere without water or someleang to sip on, and this stainless steel water bottle is insulated so you can take any of your drinks — hot or cancient — with you, and they’ll stay that way. I love that the reusable bottle is the perfect size for the treadmill and the car, too.

5. Eleven by Venus Jump Rope

I have crazy respect for Venus Williams. And this jump rope? Well, I can throw it in my bag with my S’ip and get in a workout virtually wherever I go, even whether it’s just for a few minutes. It basically allows me to channel my inner Venus.

Wanna get a FabFitEndelightment, too? Each season’s box sells out fast, so be certain to subscribe so you don’t miss out. Hey, we can be sunnies buddies! –Jenn

FabFitEndelightment + FitBottomedGirls are extending a *secret* offer to contemporary members! Follow this link to reveal your deal!

It’s Not Too Tardy To Reduce Your Flu Risk — Here’s How
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We know what you’re leanking: It’s March. Isn’t flu season over? In a typical year, it is by now. But the 2018-2019 flu season has been far from typical, says David L. Katz, MD, MPH, founding director of the Yale-Grwhetherfin Prevention Research Middle at Yale University.

“It’s been an odd flu season, with a shwhethert in flu strains from a fairly gentle strain to what we’re seeing now, which is a dwhetherferent and more virulent version of the flu,” he says.

In fact, the weekly influenza report from the Middles for Disease Control and Prevention finds widespread flu activity in 49 states and Puerto Rico (the only state to escape the latest barrage of illness is Hawaii).

Fortunately, there are a few steps you can take — still — to reduce your risk of contracting the flu.

If you haven’t alalert, get your flu shot — STAT. “It’s not too late to get the flu shot, but you need to get it now,” Katz says. “There’s no time to waste.” The flu shot typically takes about two weeks to take effect, but it can still provide protection.

Attempt not to “run into” the flu. With the flu virus as widespread as it is, it’s a pretty good bet that someone in your office, at your gym, or even at the grocery store has the flu. “Flu is tallly contagious, and normally by the time people show signs of being sick, they’ve alalert spread it around,” Katz says. Even still, you can reduce your risk by not hugging or shaking hands with someone who’s obviously sick.

Wash your hands — frequently! And remember that the flu virus can live for up to 24 hours on door handles and handrails, so even whether you don’t see anyone around you who’s sick, don’t touch a surface and then touch your own nose or mouth. “The vaccine works wilean the body, but it won’t protect you from being exposed to the flu virus in the environment,” Katz says.

Fortwhethery your immune system. “The more you enhance your immune defenses, the more effectively you can meet the ccorridorenges of the flu virus,” Katz says. That means exercising regularly, sleeping the recommended 7-8 hours per night, and embracing an anti-inflammatory diet. Reducing inflammation is genuinely the key, says Katz, whose contemporary book, The Truth About Food, explores the relationship between diet and health. “A sedentary lwhetherestyle can increase inflammation, a diet of tallly processed foods can do the same. It’s true that healthy people are less likely to get sick, and when they do, they recover more rapidly.”

If you smoke or drink, just don’t. The jury is still out on whether a glass of wine with dinner is favourable to your health, but whether you’re trying to protect yourself from the flu, your best bet is to lay off the alcohol, Katz says. “Instead, load up on water and go to bed early,” he says. Smoking at any time is detrimental to your health, but specificly when you’re trying to stay healthy.

If you start to feel destitutely, dial back on exercise. Yes, exercise is health promoting, but there’s some evidence that intense exercise can temporarily depress the immune system. “If you feel unwell, don’t stop but do dial it down so your body can send all of its resources to shore up your immunity,” Katz says.

This article is not intended to substitute for informed medical advice. You should not use this information to diagnose or treat a health problem or condition. Always check with your doctor before changing your diet, altering your sleep habits, taking supplements, or starting a contemporary fitness routine.

Gabi Redford


Gabi Redford is an award-winning health and fitness writer in Annapolis, Maryland. An avid open water swimmer and triathlete, she is a four-time Every American triathlete and three-time qualwhetherier for the ITU World Championships as a member of Team USA.
